Trails Need Your Vote

Maine’s trails are not just pathways through nature — they support our $3B outdoor recreation economy, create jobs across the state, are essential sources of activities from walking and biking to snowmobiling and skiing, and provide vital connections between communities.

Trails strengthen the social fabric of towns and cities all over Maine, including yours!

Maine trails do not maintain themselves

Despite their importance, many of our trails are in dire need of repair and enhancement, especially after recent unprecedented storms and record levels of use.

Communities and organizations across Maine are developing exciting plans for expanded trail networks, but lack the funds to make them a reality.

Currently, Maine invests almost no public funding in our trails, even though they are a core part of our way of life.

the maine trails bond will provide sorely needed funding to repair and expand trails statewide, creating safe and accessible outdoor spaces for all.

The Maine Trails Bond will:

  • Provide $30 million over four years in competitive grant funding to towns, organizations, and clubs;

  • Support design, maintenance, and construction of trails;

  • Ensure equal access to funding for all types of trails, including for motorized trail use, non-motorized uses, and multi-use trails;

  • Help leverage other sources of public or private funding for trail support.

Vote Yes on Question 4 this November for the Future of Maine Trails

• Passing a first-ever Trails Bond will support local economic growth, strengthen community connections, and improve Maine’s quality of life.

• More than 520 Maine towns, organizations, businesses, and clubs have endorsed the Maine Trails Bond.

Every vote counts. If you want to spread the word about Yes on 4, find out ways to get involved today.